Lions and cheetahs, if hungry enough, may attack giraffes in an attempt to topple them off their feet. But there is usually easier prey. Not many animals would try to eat a giraffe because it is so large. A lion may have a go at an adult, but it would be more likely an attack by a pack. Baby giraffes, on the other hand, are much smaller and easier to kill. Predators such as lions, hyenas, African hunting dogs, cheetahs and even leopards may try to kill and eat a baby giraffe. Adult giraffes are very large animals, and the only predators capable of taking them on are lions. By working together, they are able to kill adult giraffes, but this is not common - a giraffe's kick can kill a lion, and they usually prefer to hunt less dangerous prey. Nonetheless, footage of lions killing giraffes has been captured on film several times.